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Life Coaching Corner: Key Action Steps to Achieving Your Goals

Writer's picture: stephaniereckstephaniereck

Goals not only can provide direction for your life, but also provide the steps in pursuing a desired outcome you may have. Goals are relatively easy to make, but making your goals achievable is another story.

Without proper goal setting, goals become nothing more than hopes. While hoping is a great start, you still need to have tangible ways that you will be able to achieve your goals.

Goals can be made in any area of your life-physical, emotional, spiritual, financial, and relational.

Some key action steps will help you achieve whatever goal(s) that you want to accomplish.

Key Action Steps:

  1. Decide what you want to accomplish.

  2. Write down your goals.

  3. Break down your larger goals into smaller goals (this is the key)

  4. With each small goal, pick one that you will start that day or week. Get specific on how you plan on accomplishing your goal.

  5. Write the dates of when you start your goal and when you will end. Reviewing your goals every 30 days is practical.

  6. Write out your other smaller goals and any larger goals you have to review in 30 days.

  7. Place the copy of your goals and start and end the day with someone that you can see.

  8. See yourself completing the goal.

  9. Come up with small rewards that you will give yourself weekly and at the end of the 30 days if you are pursuing your goals.

  10. After 30 days, review your goal. Are you satisfied, or do you need to continue to pursue this goal? This would be the time to add another of your small goals and begin to work towards achieving this goal.

I am going to use a personal example that I recently used in my life so that you can see how to implement goal setting in your life. I have used the above key action steps in many areas of my life, and have been successful in doing so.

First action step: Recently I decided that I wanted to watch less TV and lessen my total screen time.

Second action step: I wrote down that I wanted to stop watching so much TV and decrease my screen time.

Third action step: I broke down this large goal, into a smaller tangible goal. I would like to cut my TV watching during the week by a few hours, and I would like to only watch 1 or 2 movies on the weekend.

Fourth action step: I decided that I would limit my TV time and screen time during the week to (1) hour a day on the weekdays, and (2) hours on the weekends.

Fifth action step: I then wrote down the day I started and the end date (30 days).

Sixth action step: I wrote down the other goals that I wanted to accomplish, including small and large goals. Some examples of my smaller goals included reading more, making time for family and friends, house projects, and planning a vacation. My larger goals were to go to the Smokies in December and have all my Christmas decorations up the first week of November.

Seventh action step: I placed a copy of my goals where I could see them every day.

Eighth action step: I begin to see myself not needing to watch so much TV and seeing the benefits of having more time. I began to see all the possibilities that could open up if I limited my screen time.

Ninth action step: I have not made it a week yet, but when I do I will have a small reward for myself and when I make it through the entire month I will have another reward. Rewards do not have to be monetary or large. For instance, a pumpkin spice latte would work as a great reward for me.

Tenth action step: I have not got to the 30-day review yet, but when I do I most likely will add another small goal to accomplish. I will also tweak what worked and what did not work.

Making smaller goals helps when you want to see progress and be motivated to continue. If you start with large goals you may get overwhelmed and discouraged that you are not seeing results. If you continue with making and achieving small goals they will eventually lead you to your larger goals.

If you do have a day that you did not meet your goal, but did the opposite of what your goal is, allow yourself the grace that you are not perfect and that you can also try again the next day. Failure only happens when you stop. So if you did not meet your goal that day, try again the next day, and don’t give up until you have reached your desired outcome.



If you need further insight, encouragement, or direction in goal setting, book your first consultation with me for life coaching. I would love to come alongside you and assist you in making your dreams a reality.


Copyright@2025 by Stephanie Reck, Coaching and Consulting Services, LLC

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