I was never a morning person. I was the one who would get up at the last minute, grab a cup of coffee, get dressed, and run out the door at a frantic pace to get to work. I wanted to exercise, eat a healthy breakfast, and spend time with God, but I did not have time in the morning to do these things.
I started listening to a successful life coach named Terri Savelle Foy. I then got a copy of her book, “5 things successful people do before 8 am.” Reading that book gave me the motivation that I needed to start implementing small changes in my life so that I could ensure that I would have a successful morning.
Have you ever heard of this quote from Benjamin Franklin?
Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise.
A healthy morning routine ensures you will have a more successful day.

The first thing that I did was write down what I wanted to accomplish in the morning. I call these my “first 5’s in the morning.” Listed below are the first 5s I wrote down over 3 years ago, and I still am doing these first 5’s every morning.
1. Coffee and Jesus. I grab my cup of coffee and go to my quiet place. I read the Bible, pray, journal, worship, and/or be still to hear God’s voice. Consider this scripture: Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house, and went off to a solitary place to pray. Matthew 1:35
2. Exercise. I run and walk on alternate days. (I was never a runner, nor someone who engaged in exercise, so this one took me some time to learn).
3. Eat a healthy breakfast and drink a fresh smoothie that I make with vegetables and fruits. I also drink a cup of matcha green tea and take vitamins and supplements during this time.
4. I make my bed and wash the breakfast dishes.
5. I make my schedule for the day and write tasks/goals for the day.
✅ What are the first 5’s you would like to accomplish in the morning?
Remember to write it out.
Next, I had to figure out how I was going to get all those tasks accomplished in the morning when I hated mornings, did not exercise, and got up right before it was time to get dressed for work.
I knew the first change I needed to make was to get up earlier. I set my targeted time to get up at 5 am! That’s right, 5 am! Start slowly if you go this route too. In other words, if your time to get up is normally 7 am, aim to get up at 6:30 am the first week, then 6 am the following week until you reach your goal.
I needed to adjust my bedtime. I had to figure out how many hours of sleep I needed, and what time I needed to go to bed if I wanted to be up at 5 am.
I also had to change my mindset and what I was saying. I went from I can’t get up that early, I am not a morning person, and I am not a runner to I can get up early, I love the mornings, and I am a runner. You know what? Soon I became what I was thinking and speaking.
Reflect on this scripture:
As he thinketh in his heart, so is he. Proverbs 23:7, NLT
I believed I could, so I did!
Believe that you can, and you will!
➡️ Life coaching pro tips:

Start today, write out what you want to accomplish in the morning, and start planning how you can get your goals done. Use rewards as a motivation to achieve your goals. Expect that you will have times and days that you won’t want to do your goals, or that you won’t succeed in them. The key is to persevere, and not give up! Try again the next day. Watch your self-talk and what you are thinking about. Think, speak, and see yourself achieving your goals. It can take anywhere from 21-30 days to form a new habit, and oftentimes it can longer. Keep persisting and eventually, these goals will become automatic, and a normal part of your day.
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