The chatter around you that whispers that you can’t do anything right or screams you make too many mistakes, comes from the father of lies. No matter what you have done or even keep doing, God is not the one terrorizing you with condemnation.
The enemy hates you and seeks to make you feel about yourself. He likes to pounce on you when you make a mistake, and he especially wants to cause you to suffer when you sin. Of course, the suffering never happens before you sin or even during, but after you have had your time sinning-here comes the accuser with taunts and jabs that could make you believe God feels that way as well.

God loves you unconditionally. Let that sink in for a minute, Unconditional meaning without any strings and no matter what we do. God wants the very best for you, which means living in obedience to His ways so that you do not harm yourself. Sin is harmful, not in the beginning, sin is pleasurable but eventually leads to death. Sin that leads to death is not always a physical death.
God wants you to know that He is not mad with you or even disappointed with you. He treasures you as something valuable. He still pursues you and desires to be in fellowship with you-meaning He wants a relationship with you always.